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  • FINALbook_disneycolor.png

    Vintage Rebrand | 30s

    Designed in Adobe After Effects. This is a rebranding project for the streaming service, Disney+. This concept aims to capture the nostalgic sketch-style of story making by using hand-drawn sketches and vintage textures.

  • 9/23/23

    Pulse | 06s

    Designed and created in Adobe After Effects. This piece explores basic shapes in motion using trim paths, scale, etc. Color palette and design inspired by SCAD (Atlanta campus).

  • Screen Shot 2023-10-13 at 5.20.31 PM.png

    Visual Music | 20s

    Created in Adobe After Effects. This piece was inspired by Oskar Fischinger, considered to be one of the pioneers of motion graphics, and focused on shape layer techniques. This project challenged me to match visual movements to the audio. Pattern in the beginning was designed in Adobe Illustrator.

  • 10/11/23

    One Shape | 06s

    Designed in Adobe After Effects. This project utilizes one shape and its abstractions, and is inspired by the Northern Lights.